The wearing of correct uniform is an important feature in creating the sense of community at our school. It helps to foster a sense of shared identity, promotes equality, reinforces positive behaviour and supports an ethos of respect for each other and for the school environment.
School Uniform Requirements
Our uniform:
- Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with or without the school logo, or royal blue fleece with the school logo. Navy blue sweatshirts and cardigans are not part of our school uniform.
- White polo shirt or shirt with or without the school logo.
- Smart trousers, shorts, skirts, culottes or pinafores in plain grey or navy. Casual attire such as denim, leggings and cargo shorts are not part of our school uniform.
- Blue and white summer dress.
- Plain grey, black, navy or white socks or tights. Brightly coloured or patterned socks and tights are not part of our school uniform.
- Smart closed-toe shoes or ankle boots in plain black, navy or dark brown. Open-toe sandals, jelly-shoes and flip flops are not appropriate footwear in school. Trainers or casual shoes are not part of our school uniform.
PE Kit:
- House PE T-Shirts in the children’s allocated house colours.
- Plain shorts in black or blue.
- Tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirt for outdoor PE in cold weather.
- Trainers or plimsolls appropriate for physical activity.
- Drawstring bag for storage of PE Kit, named on the outside please.
- A hair band to tie back long hair if applicable.
School Bags:
- It is recommended that the children bring to school a small rucksack or book bag each day. Book bags with the school logo are available from the school office. Please name bags on the outside.
Outdoor Wear:
- Please ensure your child has an appropriate coat with them every day as outdoor play will occur even if light rain or showers are experienced. School rain coats are available from the school office.
- Children will be asked to remove outdoor wear including coats, scarves, hats and gloves when inside the building.
- For health and safety reasons jewellery should not be worn with the exception of a single stud in pierced ears. Hooped or dangling earrings are not acceptable. All earrings need to be removed for PE lessons or covered with tape.
- A watch may be worn.
- Make up and nail varnish should not be worn to school.
Naming Clothing:
- It is essential that all items of clothing are clearly named with your child’s first and last name so that lost items can easily be returned to their owners.
School Uniform suppliers:
Girton Glebe school uniform can be purchased from the following suppliers list below.
School Trends
School Trends deliver directly to your home (for a small delivery charge). Please find information below for ordering and sizing:
- Sizing chart
- Direct to parent uniform flyer
Brigade Uniform
Brigade Uniform suppliers deliver your uniform order directly to the school, free of charge. Orders are printed on the 15th and 30th of each month and delivered up to 2 weeks after (stock permitting). In the summer holiday uniform is automatically delivered direct to the parent for a small delivery charge.
Please find links to ordering and parents’ information below;
Second Hand Uniform:
A range of second-hand school uniform is available at FOGG events and via the school office.