Discussions around Internet safety play an important role in the work we do in school, and e-safety skills are integral to the new Computing curriculum, to ensure that we safeguard our young people against the pitfalls of accessing online platforms.
The Internet is a powerful tool and, when used sensibly, is an amazing resource that allows our pupils to learn, connect and communicate.
We want to share with you the key messages that we are giving to our children, and draw your attention to the Supporting Young People Online document from Childnet International. Through this, we can be consistent with the advice and support we are offering our children, both at home and in school.
In an age where technology and software appear to change on an almost daily basis, it can seem like an impossible task of keeping track of the latest sites and apps available to our children. However the advice below remains applicable for all forms of online activity.
Many parents are aware of the issues raised by popular social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram etc) and adhere to their 13+ age restrictions, but many have been caught out by other, seemingly innocuous, apps and games such as Skype & ooVoo (video chat software), Minecraft, Snapchat and online gaming via consoles.
The links below, aim to raise the awareness of, and inform on, some of the issues:
Internetmatters.org : click here for Parent Information from InternetMatters.org
General advice: Supporting Young People Online
Childnet advice: http://www.childnet.com/parents-and-carers
NSPCC Netaware: https://www.net-aware.org.uk/
Minecraft advice: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/minecraft-a-parents-guide/
Skype advice for parents: https://www.net-aware.org.uk/networks/skype/
Online gaming advice: http://www.childnet.com/parents-and-carers/hot-topics/gaming
YouTube advice: YouTube Safety Factsheet
Childnet advice on using Restricted Mode to filter YouTube content: http://www.childnet.com/blog/a-parents-guide-to-youtube-restricted-mode
Fortnite Guidance: http://www.childnet.com/blog/a-parents-guide-to-fortnite-battle-royale
Social Networking: https://www.internetmatters.org/advice/social-networking
From our recent NSPCC E-Safety Briefing:
NSPCC Your Child’s Online World (scanned booklet)
NSPCC A Parents Guide To Being Share Aware (scanned booklet)